VCB-X Controller

The VCB-X Controller can be used on units with a single Variable Capacity Compressor and with or without additional fixed compressor stages.

The VCB-X Controller can be configured for Constant Volume, Make-Up Air, VAV, and Single Zone VAV applications.

The VCB-X Controller is designed with five analog inputs, three analog outputs, one triac output, four binary inputs, and six relay outputs. It also has an on-board BACnet® port for connection to an MS/TP network. The Controller contains a 2 x 8 LCD character display and four buttons that allow for status and alarm display and force modes as well as BACnet configuration.

VCB-X Controller Product Page



VCB-X Controller Technical Guide

VCB-X Controller Operator Interface SD Technical Guide

VCB-X Submittal Package